The Ultimate Guide To Cross-programming Frameworks

Josh Software
3 min readAug 31, 2021

The high number of smartphone users today has led to an accelerated demand for mobile apps, software products, and services. Developing mobile applications in a rapidly evolving technology landscape is tough.

Whether start-ups or industry giants, the four major checkpoints for using mobile app development frameworks are:

  • Multiple platforms
  • Market reach
  • Budget
  • Deadlines

While there are several ways to build apps, cross-programming frameworks simplify the process. Here are the benefits of cross-programming frameworks:

  • Code reusability
  • Maximum exposure to the target audience
  • Native binary for each platform
  • Cloud integration
  • Reduced development cost
  • Fewer technical barriers
  • Consistency in UI components
  • Shorter time to market
  • Ease of hosting and maintenance
  • Uniform design

Cross-programming frameworks are not bound to a particular language. They use a defined language which is subsequently compiled to native code. Additionally, they are compiled to a native binary for each platform allowing for full access to native device features. This makes them one of the leading options for the best mobile development frameworks.

Now, the question looms. Which is the best cross-platform framework? The answer depends on various factors, but consulting a competent cross-platform mobile app development company can help you decide which cross-programming framework to choose.

At Josh, we are partial to Create a new Flutter. While it is the youngest cross-programming framework, it is gradually evolving to be a developer favorite. Here is why we think it is the best cross-platform framework.


Flutter is an open-source cross-platform app framework, released by Google in May 2017. Several features come together to make Flutter unique.

  • Flutter is built on the Dart programming language instead of JavaScript allowing for structured programming codes to be written. This makes it simple to maintain integrated hierarchical structures even while developing complex applications.
  • An inbuilt graphic engine eliminates the need for developers to make distinct interfaces for Android and iOS.
  • The Fuchsia OS is seamless and makes for a great UI/UX.
  • The hot reload feature allows for any modifications to be visualized in real-time. This makes bug fixes and updates faster and easier. Additionally, this opens up the space for innovation through trial and error.
  • Smooth performance and higher efficiency are evident for apps built on Flutter over other cross-programming frameworks.
  • The UI is powered by GPU making it easier for the developers to work on the latest interfaces.
  • Widgets are the building blocks of Flutter and this makes it incredibly simple to rebuild a widget tree and understand the code modifications.

Here are some of the developer’s tools for working with Flutter:

  • Emacs
  • Android Studio
  • VS Code

Please feel free to reach out to Josh Software in case of any questions. We will be glad to help you.



Josh Software

Josh software believe Programming is an Art and build Innovative Web Based Applications on an Open Source framework.